
気に入ったことはやっぱりワイヤレスであることと電池式ではなく充電式であること。 気に入らないのは頭に乗せるには少し重いと感じる(慣れれば気にならない)ことと壊れやすいこと(友人談)。
It has not been used for a long time, but works correctly. I like the LED, and the sound is good. It is a bit heavy and hard to use for long.
  • It is a very good gaming headphone.
If you look at photo closely you can find that the 2 seal sticker are sticked on the box. The product was good but it is not a new. It is opened and repackaged after
  • It is not new
Well made headset. I really enjoy the Dolby surround sound, they really are nice sounding especially for wireless. The only problem is that the headset is quite heavy. I put my head back once and they slid off and fell on the ground heavily. Nothing broke though, that's how I know they are well made! The RGB lighting is nice to have but halves the battery life (you will get 12hrs on a single charge if the lights are disabled). They are easy to disable using the software.
ワイヤレスなのか分からんがごく稀にプツプツと小さい音がなった後音声が聞こえなくなる。別のヘッドセットはこうはならないのでかなり買って後悔してます。 FPS系統やる人はおすすめしません。